Exploring the Best Weather for Outdoor Sports in Ellisville, MS

Discover the ideal weather conditions for outdoor sports in Ellisville, MS. Learn about the climate and best times to play baseball, softball, soccer, and football in this small town.

Exploring the Best Weather for Outdoor Sports in Ellisville, MS

As an expert in outdoor sports, I have had the opportunity to explore various locations and their weather conditions. One such location that has caught my attention is Ellisville, MS. Located in the southeastern region of Mississippi, Ellisville is a small town with a population of just over 4,500 people. Despite its small size, this town has a lot to offer when it comes to outdoor sports.

The Climate of Ellisville, MS

Before diving into the weather conditions for outdoor sports in Ellisville, it is important to understand the overall climate of this town.

Ellisville has a humid subtropical climate, which means hot and humid summers and mild winters. The average temperature in the summer months ranges from 80-90°F, while in the winter months it can drop to 40-50°F.One of the main factors that contribute to the climate in Ellisville is its location. Being situated in the southeastern region of Mississippi, this town is prone to high levels of humidity due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. This can make outdoor activities challenging during the summer months.

Weather Conditions for Outdoor Sports

Now let's take a closer look at the weather conditions for outdoor sports in Ellisville.

The most popular outdoor sports in this town include baseball, softball, soccer, and football. These sports are typically played during the spring and fall seasons when the weather is more favorable.


The spring season in Ellisville is characterized by mild temperatures and occasional rainfall. This makes it an ideal time for outdoor sports as the weather is not too hot or too cold. However, it is important to keep an eye on the weather forecast as there can be sudden thunderstorms that may affect outdoor activities.


Similar to spring, the fall season in Ellisville also has mild temperatures and occasional rainfall.

This makes it a great time for outdoor sports, especially football. The cooler temperatures make it more comfortable for players and spectators alike. However, it is important to note that the fall season in Ellisville can also bring hurricanes and tropical storms, which may result in game cancellations.


As mentioned earlier, summers in Ellisville can be hot and humid. This can make it challenging for outdoor sports, especially during the peak hours of the day.

It is important to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks when participating in outdoor activities during the summer months. It is also recommended to schedule games or practices during the early morning or late evening when the temperatures are cooler.


Winters in Ellisville are mild compared to other parts of the country. However, there can be occasional cold fronts that bring freezing temperatures and even snow. This can make it difficult to play outdoor sports during these times.

It is important to monitor the weather forecast and dress appropriately when participating in outdoor activities during the winter months.

Best Time for Outdoor Sports in Ellisville

Based on my experience, the best time for outdoor sports in Ellisville would be during the spring and fall seasons. The mild temperatures and occasional rainfall make it ideal for most outdoor activities. However, it is important to keep an eye on the weather forecast as there can be sudden changes that may affect games or practices. During the summer months, it is best to schedule games or practices during the cooler hours of the day to avoid heat-related illnesses. And during the winter months, it is important to dress appropriately and monitor the weather forecast for any potential cold fronts.


In conclusion, the weather conditions for outdoor sports in Ellisville, MS can be challenging at times.

However, with proper planning and monitoring of the weather forecast, it is possible to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities throughout the year. As an expert in outdoor sports, I highly recommend visiting Ellisville and experiencing the beauty of this small town while participating in your favorite outdoor sports.

Nikki Kimbriel
Nikki Kimbriel

Proud food buff. Wannabe beer practitioner. Proud internet evangelist. Amateur troublemaker. Burrito lover. Infuriatingly humble web ninja.